
[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 50 [UDS 11]

Review of P2 time. P2 time is 1 second Explanation of P2* time P2* time is 5 seconds. When the off-board tester receives NRC$78, it switches from P2 time to P2* time. When the off-board tester receives NRC$78 again, it extends P2* time from there.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 49 [UDS 10]

Click here for back issues. Introduction. Explanation of ISO 14229, UDS.I will explain PositiveResponse and NegativeResp...

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 48 [UDS 9]

Explains the session as defined in the ISO for DiagnosticSessionControl Request message of DiagnosticSessionControl. Response message of DiagnosticSessionControl. P2 time and P2* time of the relevant session can be obtained.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 47 [UDS 8]

There are five services to be realized by UDS simulation DiagnosticSessionControl. SecurityAccess. TesterPresent. ReadDataByIdentifier. WriteDataByIdentifier. When explaining the request and response messages, the CAN frame is not explained. I will only explain the ISO 14229-1 layer and not the ISO 15765-2 layer.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 46 [UDS 7]

Presentation of the overall structure of the USD simulation. A-COMSTACK is AUTOSAR r3.x series and OpenSAR is AUTOSAR r4.x series. Therefore, illegal construction.

[DoCAN] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 45 [UDS 6]

Click here for back issues. Introduction. Explanation of ISO 14229, or UDS.This time, the open source AUTOSAR, which is ...

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 39 [Simulation 27]

Click here for back issues. Introduction. Let's simulate ISO-TP. Series of.Continuation of the times to simulate.This ti...

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 38 [Simulation 26]

Review of simulation configuration. Code handling on the virtual ECU side. Currently, it's private, give me a break. Confirmation of communication logs of SF-SF, SF-MF, and MF-MF.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 37 [Simulation 25]

Fixed the script for Python can-isotp requests. The request is now ISO14229-1 compliant. Implemented AUTOSAR-CanTp side. The response is now SO14229-1 compliant as well. The code has not been published yet for personal reasons.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 36 [Simulation 24]

We defined a concrete configuration structure for AUTOSAR-CanTp. The number PduId is used when interacting with CanIf. In this case, the following. 0: Transmission of 0x18DAF110. 1: Receipt of 0x18DA10F1. 2: Transmission of 0x18DA10F1. 3: Receipt of 0x18DAF110. The Receive Control Block for CH_RX_CB and the Transmit Control Block for CH_TX_CB are for work.