

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 22 [Simulation 10]

In the default state of can-isotp, the DLC optimization specification is adopted. If you set padding and MIN_DLC in the parameters passed to CanStack, it switches to the padding specification.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 21 [Simulation 9]

The FC's add up in python-can. Supported by inserting CAN frames with a bit of timing in python-can. This allowed the multi-frame request to go through for now.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 20 [Simulation 8]

The Python package can-isotp can communicate ISO15765-2, or ISO-TP. However, python-can must also be installed due to dependencies. For now, SF (SingleFrame) transmission is possible. The multi-frame transmission stopped at FF (FirstFrame) and ended in an error. The protocol specification is that the next sequence cannot proceed unless FC is received after FF.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 19 [Simulation 7]

Listed the devices supported by python-can. Sending/receiving by python-can was realized.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 18 [Simulation 6]

CAN transmissions were replayed in can.player and recorded in can.logger. There are three file formats recorded by can.logger. asc, blf, and csv.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 17 [Simulation 5]

I installed python-can. Checked the operation of python-can. Sent by can.player and recorded by BusMaster. The performance of python-can is on the order of 1-2[ms]. CANoe has better accuracy.

[CanTp] Vehicle Diagnostic Communication Part 13 [Simulation 1]

We are tired of studying and it's time to do some simulations. I will also do AUTOSAR related things. I will also dare the challenge of using Python.